Welcome to my blogs! Enjoy..... GOD bless!

Friday, January 7, 2011

One of my favorites movies from you tube

"Eventually, you come to realize that people don't speak their minds because it's simply easier not to. That telling a little lie white lie is kind, decent things to do." JACK WELCH




 is the

 name everyone


gives to his
mistakes............. (oscar wilde)

Every Saint

has a sinful past

And every sinner

has saintly future..................

(Fr. Gordie Koller,sj)

My Video

Just needs your attention friends! Take a look in my video.. its just a simple one but for me the it was a very sweet and happy moments with kids, friends and my OWWA family....hehehehe next time, i'try to make more captivating on your eyes... goodluck and have a nice day! GOD bless to all.....

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My First Blog....

Welcome!. I'm one of the positive woman in the universe.. lol... expect not just a story to be told but some of advises thats make us stronger than ever and overcome some of our weaknesses.....